
Week 4 Assignment #1

1. What gaming elements provide users the learning content and how? (Refer to the journal article
page 4).
Text: The game Pancake Panic has a 50 sec time limit per level, it gives you a score,
it has different game levels, it actively celebrate your victories, and provides helpful hints if
you need it.
Visual-graphic elements: The game is color-coded,  the homophones are inside each pancake,
as you match the homophones, the pancakes disappear, it celebrates success at the end of
each level, and the food bonus round is visually satisfying.
Audio elements:  the game has music, celebratory sounds, and explosive cudos. 

2. What is the goal of the game? The goal of the game is to match as many homophones as
possible before running out of time, finish each level, and then get to the bonus round where you
get to make breakfast orders..
3. What are the rules of playing this game? Each level must be completed in less than 50 seconds,
and all the homophones must be matched up before you can get to the next level.
4. Does this game have any scenario design? (Refer to the journal article page 5.) If yes, is this a
fabricated or embedded in curriculum-related content?
Yes, this game does have a scenario design. It has a fabricated scenario design to promote a
student's playing motivation and match as many homophones as possible. The more the players
engage in the game, the more homophones they are learning (embedded in curriculum content).


Week 4 Assignment#2 ELA Gaming Lesson Plan

Hungry for Homophones Lesson Plan
Susan Fitzgerald

This lesson will reinforce the topic of homophones by playing a game on ABCYA.COM to
match homophones together.  Students will be reminded about homophones being words
that are pronounced the same but spelled differently.  

Grade Level : 2

Common Core Standards:
Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.

Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.

Identify words with inconsistent but common spelling-sound correspondences.

Instructional Activities:
  1. Students will use laptops to go on abcya.com
  2. They will select Grade 2, Letters
  3. They will play Pancake Panic - Homophone Fun!
  4. They will play all 3 levels by matching pancakes that have the same homophone.
  5. After 3 levels are complete, they will do the Bonus Round to make breakfast orders.
  6. Once complete, a results page that shows up with all the homophones that matched..

This game helps develop language acquisition by having the students recognize
homophones and their spelling. Also, while playing the game I will have the
students say the words out loud. This will reinforce oral pronunciation of the
homophones as they are playing the game.

Students will be assessed during the game, the teacher will walk around and see how
long it takes for the students to match the homophones.  All three rounds are timed.
The teacher can also look at the end results page that can be printed out at the end
of the game that shows the homophones that the students learned.

Debriefing: The end results page, will be printed out, for each student. Then each
student will go off to their desks, analyze their result words, and write sentences using
the homophones they have just learned in their journals.

What cognitive skills does this game cultivate: This game cultivates using Short Term
Memory, Visual Perception, Logical Reasoning, Focused Attention, and Problem Solving.

What new literacies does this game cultivate:  The new literacies that this game
cultivates through the use of computers and technologies include: those related to
the operation of the computer itself, basic knowledge of computer technology and the
internet, and multi-modal meaning construction. 


Week 3 Assignment #2 New Literacies Definitions and Components

Which ideas from the PPT reflect what the ELA teachers you interviewed are currently doing to
integrate technology with their literacy instruction? Some of the ideas from the powerpoint that
I have seen many teachers here use is the use of the internet to do research and locate
information for specific projects.  For example, the school librarian uses ImageQuest. Students
have used safe search engines to build their class websites and find photos. They use the
internet to find supporting information and build upon their knowledge. Also, many teachers
use Google Docs for students to do writing and collaborate.

How can you help change their instructional practices to include the use of technology and the
Internet in their literacy and content-area curriculum? One thing I would recommend is for
teachers to use Google Docs and Google Classroom more. Another thing would be to abandon
old methods such as having students write out flash cards and use programs like Kahoot! to test
students on Vocabulary and facts.

What professional development and/or resources will they need in order to make these changes?
Teachers in my school need to be more proficient in iPad apps. They need to really dig in, learn
the app and how to integrate the apps into their lessons. Sometimes they are overwhelmed as
too many new apps/programs are being introduced.

What ideas do you have for grouping students so they will have equal access to technology in
the classroom?  Students can work in pairs on projects that require research for instance. Many
times a weaker student can learn from a stronger student on how to do research.  If there are not
enough laptops, sometimes classes can borrow laptops or iPads so that each student has a
one-to-one device for that lesson. I have seen teachers make schedules so that they can share
a laptop cart and each have time for literacy instruction.

Week 3 Assignment #1 Theory in Practice

Concept and Importance of New Literacies

All the Articles focus on the rapid changes in technology and how students will experience even more
changes in their Literacy Journeys.  Today's teachers need to be prepared because the old traditional
definition of reading, writing, and communication have changed drastically. In  order to prepare the
students for 21st century skills, old traditions need to be abandoned and teachers need to be prepared
with how to use technology in the classroom.  Instruction, assessment, and professional development
for educators need to be on going as new literacy skills and practices are required for our students to
be successful. Teachers need to have an open mind and new perspective to integrate this technology
into their current lessons.  Schools also need to prepare teachers and revise their curriculum to offer
opportunities to incorporate ICTs. Students need to know how to use the internet to find information
and do research. Students also need to be prepared on how to critically evaluate the relevancy, and
accuracy of online information. Teachers need to participate in technology-based planning and teaching
to meet their students academic needs in all content areas. Teachers need to bring a new mindset to the
classroom and be prepared to integrate technology. Teachers, parents, and school administrators will
need to support school-wide initiatives to provide up-to-date technology resources for all students. 
These changes to Literacy are fundamental to enable individuals to seize life opportunities. Work is
being characterized by the effective use of information to solve problems within a globally competitive
economy. This preparation to ensure higher levels of literacy achievement is necessary so that the
workplace today has employees that are effective problem solvers and can work collaboratively. It is
essential for our future and economy. 


Week 2 Interview with a Teacher on Language and Literacy Development


I interviewed one of the third grade teachers at my school who uses Technology in her classroom every day.
  She uses the iPads in the classroom for the students to improve their language and literacy development.
One example is for Oral rehearsal- Children use an audio program to orally record themselves reading so
that they can check their own fluency- self correct and speed up their fluency.  She uses Google Docs and
Apple Classroom so that students can do their written assignments and collaborate because a lot of work that's
done in the third grade is shared work. Two or three people can be working on a document at the same time
and share ideas. Students also use a program called Seesaw where they can partner conversations on the same
book or do read-alouds.  In the past, she has had students create websites on the Arctic using Google Sites.
Each student was responsible for a piece of the content on the class website.
She has found that the children learn the apps quickly but some of the challenges in integrating technology
include: Time- because more time is needed to engage the students and prepare them for the technology
projects.  Funds- if a school has limited funds, the students may not have all the apps available to them.


Week 2 Common Core Assignment

Assignment#2 Common Core:
My understanding of Common Core is that States have generated academic standards that are expected
of every student in each grade level.  This would help to have consistency between states. Many people
did not like the lack of consistency between state standards. There was also concern that US students scored
poorly compared to other countries. Some believed that some states standards did not challenge the
students enough. Because education plays a key role and growing the economy, Business Leaders were also
concerned. Employers said that they had trouble finding enough skilled workers in the United States. Many
believe that State Standards needed to be updated for modern jobs. I believe this to be very important
especially with the advancements in technology and keeping up with other countries. 

Teachers, parents, and other educators have worked on the standards and they cover Math and English
Language Arts. These standards are expectations for each grade level from Kindergarten through High School. 
The goals of the Common Core Standards are to give the students the skills they need to succeed in college
and in the workforce. Another goal is to make sure that students get a strong education no matter where they
live.  The new State Standards require students to work with complex texts, cite evidence, and read more
nonfiction. There's a focus on fewer math topics, concepts that build on previously learned math concepts,
and having students show more understanding of the math concepts being learned. I think it is a good idea
to have Common Core State Standards and each state is allowed to incorporate an additional 15% of their
own standards which I think is beneficial as well.

Week 14 Review and Reflect

Here is the link to my Prezi Presentation