
Week 2 Common Core Assignment

Assignment#2 Common Core:
My understanding of Common Core is that States have generated academic standards that are expected
of every student in each grade level.  This would help to have consistency between states. Many people
did not like the lack of consistency between state standards. There was also concern that US students scored
poorly compared to other countries. Some believed that some states standards did not challenge the
students enough. Because education plays a key role and growing the economy, Business Leaders were also
concerned. Employers said that they had trouble finding enough skilled workers in the United States. Many
believe that State Standards needed to be updated for modern jobs. I believe this to be very important
especially with the advancements in technology and keeping up with other countries. 

Teachers, parents, and other educators have worked on the standards and they cover Math and English
Language Arts. These standards are expectations for each grade level from Kindergarten through High School. 
The goals of the Common Core Standards are to give the students the skills they need to succeed in college
and in the workforce. Another goal is to make sure that students get a strong education no matter where they
live.  The new State Standards require students to work with complex texts, cite evidence, and read more
nonfiction. There's a focus on fewer math topics, concepts that build on previously learned math concepts,
and having students show more understanding of the math concepts being learned. I think it is a good idea
to have Common Core State Standards and each state is allowed to incorporate an additional 15% of their
own standards which I think is beneficial as well.

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Week 14 Review and Reflect

Here is the link to my Prezi Presentation