
Week 2 Interview with a Teacher on Language and Literacy Development


I interviewed one of the third grade teachers at my school who uses Technology in her classroom every day.
  She uses the iPads in the classroom for the students to improve their language and literacy development.
One example is for Oral rehearsal- Children use an audio program to orally record themselves reading so
that they can check their own fluency- self correct and speed up their fluency.  She uses Google Docs and
Apple Classroom so that students can do their written assignments and collaborate because a lot of work that's
done in the third grade is shared work. Two or three people can be working on a document at the same time
and share ideas. Students also use a program called Seesaw where they can partner conversations on the same
book or do read-alouds.  In the past, she has had students create websites on the Arctic using Google Sites.
Each student was responsible for a piece of the content on the class website.
She has found that the children learn the apps quickly but some of the challenges in integrating technology
include: Time- because more time is needed to engage the students and prepare them for the technology
projects.  Funds- if a school has limited funds, the students may not have all the apps available to them.

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Week 14 Review and Reflect

Here is the link to my Prezi Presentation