
Week 3 Assignment #2 New Literacies Definitions and Components

Which ideas from the PPT reflect what the ELA teachers you interviewed are currently doing to
integrate technology with their literacy instruction? Some of the ideas from the powerpoint that
I have seen many teachers here use is the use of the internet to do research and locate
information for specific projects.  For example, the school librarian uses ImageQuest. Students
have used safe search engines to build their class websites and find photos. They use the
internet to find supporting information and build upon their knowledge. Also, many teachers
use Google Docs for students to do writing and collaborate.

How can you help change their instructional practices to include the use of technology and the
Internet in their literacy and content-area curriculum? One thing I would recommend is for
teachers to use Google Docs and Google Classroom more. Another thing would be to abandon
old methods such as having students write out flash cards and use programs like Kahoot! to test
students on Vocabulary and facts.

What professional development and/or resources will they need in order to make these changes?
Teachers in my school need to be more proficient in iPad apps. They need to really dig in, learn
the app and how to integrate the apps into their lessons. Sometimes they are overwhelmed as
too many new apps/programs are being introduced.

What ideas do you have for grouping students so they will have equal access to technology in
the classroom?  Students can work in pairs on projects that require research for instance. Many
times a weaker student can learn from a stronger student on how to do research.  If there are not
enough laptops, sometimes classes can borrow laptops or iPads so that each student has a
one-to-one device for that lesson. I have seen teachers make schedules so that they can share
a laptop cart and each have time for literacy instruction.

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Week 14 Review and Reflect

Here is the link to my Prezi Presentation