
Week 12 Glogster

Screenshot of Glogster - Free Version (limited)

Educational Affordances of Glogster:

  • It offers easy access of information to teachers and students who have internet access.
  • It can be used from laptops, iPads and other devices.
  • It can be used in assessment and enhancing instruction of certain topics.
  • Glogster is very diverse. 
  • It is a multimedia tool which utilizes music, audio, video, animation, images, drawings, and text.
  • It is great for collaboration and group projects.  
  • Students can work together and with their teacher to create glogs on any topic.
  • Teachers & students can view archived images, pictures, texts, and art done by others.
  • It offers support to students with learning difficulties. Students can get tasks done more efficiently.
  • It is a great tool for visual learners.
  • It can be used for lessons, homework assignments, and scaffolding.
  • There are a variety of learning tasks that can be accomplished.
  • New material can be introduced with Glogster.
For ELA teachers, the teachers can create glogs to structure a complex lesson:
It frees up more time for the teacher to provide support to students.
Students can create posters to display their writing and creativity.
They can demonstrate their mastery of course content.
They can include listening activities and review material as needed.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with you Susan, glogster is great for students writing and creativity, assists teachers to create simplified lessons and is helpful for all students to gain knowledge of their projects and or the lesson plans.

  3. Susan, the list of affordances you mention for Glogster are all very relevant. I agree with you on how Glogster can be a good way for students to collaborate together.


Week 14 Review and Reflect

Here is the link to my Prezi Presentation