
Week 7 Assignment #2

Second Life

Teaching ELA with multi-modalities
Many teachers have students Talk about their Learning:
For example: Think-Pair-Share. When students talk and use
their own language to make sense of learning, they are
incorporating new information into prior knowledge.
Some teachers have the students Create Visual
Representations: Students are asked to create a mural of a
chapter they've read. This strategy for creating and using visual
representations assists students in synthesizing new information
in a meaningful way.
Write in Many Modes: Ask students to keep reader response
journals or blogs online.


  1. I also think this is a great tool to make a world out of what they have heard. Often as we do a read aloud we talk about what we have read. Second Life give a whole new way of showing what they hear as they read. Students can show us what they envision.

  2. I think both of these examples that you listed are great ones. Especially the visual representation. This is not very common but a great idea for students to grasp the information in different ways!

  3. In reading what you have written I do agree that teachers ask students to share information on what they have learned and using this platform will allow them to collaborate in a boarder sense. Students are also creating and demonstrating their understanding of information learned and researched. This provides visual representation of what teachers may ask from students.


Week 14 Review and Reflect

Here is the link to my Prezi Presentation