
Week 6 Assignment #2.2 Edmodo

EDMODO  Class Code: ztt4s8


Managing Members: Edmodo allows teachers the ability to manage members of their groups
and monitor group membership. Click on “Manage” in the Members section on the right-side
of your group page. You will see all members who have joined your group. You can manage
members individually or as a group.  You can change member passwords, view the member
parent code, award the member a badge and/or remove member from your group. You can
set individual or all members to have different access levels (read-only or contributor).You can
access the Parent Code Spreadsheet to see all of the parent codes associated with members
of your group.You can see members who have recently joined your group.  You can create a small
group within your group..

Group Settings: Allows you to: Edit the Group Name,
Default all new members to “read-only”- Selecting this option means that new members will not
be able to post to the entire group, they can only post messages directly to the group owner/teacher.  
Moderate all Posts and Replies- Selecting this option requires the group owner to approve all posts
and replies made by group members before they can be published to the group stream. 
Edit the Grade/Range 
Edit the Subject Area 
Archive/Delete Group- At the end of the class, semester or year, you may want to archive your

Teachers can choose to post a note, alert, assignment, quiz or poll by clicking on the corresponding
link in the post section. For notes and assignments, you can attach files and links from your computer
or Edmodo library.
To Post Content: 1. Choose the type of posting you wish to post (the default post setting is “Note”).
2. Type your post in the post box and attach file(s)/website(s) if you want. 3. Type the name of a
student, teacher, or group(s) into the “Send to” box. (Edmodo will provide auto-suggestions as you
begin to type based on the groups you belong to).
Multi-Group Posting Edmodo allows you to post to multiple groups at the same time.
Reply to Posts To reply to a post, select the “reply” link located below the post. A text box will appear
where you can type in your reply, then select the reply button when you are ready to post it. The reply
message will appear below the original post.
 Sending Messages to Parents Teachers can send messages to parents by typing the note into the
post box and in the “Sent To” box, either type the parent’s names OR type the name of the group
and select the Parents option from the auto-fill suggestions. 

Posting Assignments: To post an assignment: 1. Select the “assignment” link located above the post
box. 2. The post box will change to allow you to fill out the details of the assignment, including: 
Assignment title, Description of assignment, Due date (set by clicking on the calendar icon),
Attachments (files, links or library items that supplement the assignment)  
3. Once the details are complete, enter the name of the group or group members who should
receive the assignment in the “send to” field and select “send”. 4. Once an assignment has been
posted, students can use the “Turn in” button located next to the due date to submit their assignment. 
5. Once the “turn in” button has been selected, students can attach their homework and provide
a comment/message with it. 
6. You can see how many students have turned in that particular assignment by looking at the
“Turned in” button located on the assignment post. You will also receive an alert in your notifications
section any time a student turns in their assignment.
7. By clicking on “Turned in” teachers can view a list of all submissions.

Share events, announcements, assignments and reminders with your groups or individual members
with the Edmodo calendar. To view your calendar, select the “Calendar” link from the top navigation
bar in your Edmodo account. 
Create an Event To create an event, select a date from the calendar. A pop up box will appear where
you can add a description of the event, change the date (or add a date range) and select who you
want to send it to. You can send events to yourself, an individual, or any of your groups. By sending
the event to them, the recipient will be able to view the event in their calendar.
Remove an Event To remove/delete an event you’ve created, click on the event and select the delete
link within the event post. (Note: You cannot edit calendar events once they have been created. You
would have to delete the event and then re-create it.)


The Edmodo Library allows teachers to store and manage files and links in a wide range of file
formats, with the ability to access these files anywhere and share them with group members. 
Add Content: You can add any type of file (photo, video, document, etc.), in any format, or add
web links to your library. Create Folders: To help stay organized, you can place your library content
into folders. You can organize and share folders.

Using Edmodo for ELA Instruction:

 I believe teachers can use Edmodo for ELA instruction in Writing. Teachers can use it to model
good writing, demonstrate skills, and monitor a student’s progress.  A teacher can show a student
how to plan their writing using Edmodo and folders that they can create. Inside the folders, there
can be storyboards and graphic organizers that the student can choose. There can also be
folders with good writing examples for the students to look at. Next, a teacher can then model or
provide examples in Edmodo of “drafting’ their writing.  The teacher can revise the assignments
and provide feedback through Edmodo. After editing, students can share their group work using
Edmodo and revise as needed. Teachers can also post youtube videos and helpful hints to help
the students with their writing and revisions along the way.

1 comment:

  1. Very detailed post about all of the functions that come along with it! I understand the site even better now.


Week 14 Review and Reflect

Here is the link to my Prezi Presentation